Honey has been a staple ingredient in our kitchens. Its sweet and delectable taste is something that we can’t resist but add to our favorite desserts and drinks. However, the wonders of honey do not stop with our tastebuds, as this natural sweetener has been used for centuries to help heal wounds due to its natural antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. As a natural skincare ingredient, honey exerts long-term protection to keep your skin healthy and protected.
Historical Background of Honey
The medicinal use of honey has been dated back to 8000 years ago and was used by the ancient Egyptians, Chinese, Greeks, Assyrians, and Romans, who made use of honey to manage wounds and gastrointestinal problems.₁ Interestingly, the Vedic civilization thought honey was one of the most remarkable gifts of nature to humans, owing to its benefits in treating cough, keeping your teeth and gums healthy, treating your wounds and burns, regulating your heartbeat, and even helping you get quality sleep at night! The Egyptians, on the other hand, combined almost all of their medicines with honey and even offered this staple to their gods for sacrifice!₁
Effects of Honey for the Skin
The important role of honey for the skin primarily stems from its antimicrobial properties, which not only help protect the barrier that protects our body, but also helps repair it. Honey can inhibit almost 60 species of bacteria, most of which can cause disease or complications to an already damaged barrier.₁ Additionally, honey can prevent the excessive bacterial growth of Staphylococcus aureus, which is the most common pathogen causing wound infections, reducing your chances of developing skin and soft tissue conditions. The antimicrobial effects of honey depend on the type and concentration used, with greater concentrations of manuka honey effectively killing bacteria. Pasteurized honey, on the other hand, can only prevent bacterial growth but not entirely kill these pathogens!
Mechanism of action
The abilities of honey to kill bacteria or prevent their growth are different from antibiotics, which are synthetically made to destroy the bacterial cell wall or inhibit the processes within the bacteria that allow them to reproduce and cause disease. Honey naturally inhibits bacterial activity in several ways₁: 1. Honey is hygroscopic, meaning that it draws moisture from its environment. This allows it to dehydrate the bacteria within the wound. 2. The acidic property of honey is between 3.2-4.5 pH (so close to the pH level of your stomach!) which prevents the growth of most microbiomes, since not all thrive in highly acidic environments. 3. Honey contains hydrogen peroxide, which is a famous topical solution to clean wounds or cuts and prevent further infection. The hydrogen peroxide in honey has oxidative properties which can damage the processes inside the bacteria, preventing their growth and reproduction. These healing properties give honey the unique ability to clean wounds, clear infections, reduce inflammation, prevent unwanted scarring, and regenerate blood vessels and cells, helping wounds fully heal and recover.
Safety Considerations
Although with many beneficial properties, honey should not be given to children less than one year of age due to possible risks of botulism, especially since the immune system that is meant to protect these infants from harm is still not fully mature and developed. Additionally, the amount and type of honey for your wounds also depends on the type and severity of your condition. The amount of honey applied to your wound should still be enough to exert its antimicrobial properties even if it gets diluted with wound fluid. Additionally, you should make sure that all the wound cavities are adequately covered with honey and reinforced with occlusive dressing to prevent oozes that may come out of the wound.₁ Talking to your naturopathic doctor about exploring the benefits of honey for your skin health is important to ensure that you are able to fully receive the benefits of honey and prevent unwanted reactions that may happen if you are not eligible or are allergic to one of its components
Improving Your Skin Health
Honey, aside from being a kitchen staple, contains holistic properties that not only helps heal your wounds, but also protects your skin from further infections. When using honey for your health, you should also be responsible and knowledgeable about its proper use, amount, timing of application, and intervals, all of which should be guided by your healthcare providers. Exploring the benefits of honey for your skin is best done with the guidance of your naturopathic doctor, who is an expert in using the healing power of nature to help your body as it heals and recovers. Talk to your naturopathic doctor today!
This article is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Please consult your licensed naturopathic physician or other licensed healthcare provider before making changes to your medications or supplements. Disclosures & Policies: This and other blog posts may contain affiliate links. Please view our disclosures page for more information. REFERENCES: 1. Eteraf-Oskouei T, Najafi M. Traditional and modern uses of natural honey in human diseases: a review. Iran J Basic Med Sci. 2013;16(6):731-742.
Complaining about pain or discomfort related to period problems is a nearly universal experience that women who menstruate share and do a round-table discussion about. Naturopathic medicine disputes the notion that these symptoms and conditions are normal. Common, yes, but not normal. Finding and resolving the underlying imbalance that caused your menstrual disorder so that you can have healthy, comfortable, emotionally-stable periods as you grow older is possible!
Undeniably, menstrual complaints are broad, associated with physical and emotional symptoms that may affect your daily activities and mood. More often than not, menstrual health complaints are incorrectly categorized as manifestations of premenstrual syndrome (PMS), which is just one out of the wide array of conditions that affect women every cycle. Why You Should Care for Your Menstrual Health (Recap!) Menstrual health is a vital aspect of our well-being that we, women, are responsible to take care of as we grow older. Problems in our menstrual health not only affect the entirety of our physical health, as these come with social and emotional impacts that may affect our productivity and relationships with other people. Since menstruation is a normal process that our bodies undergo to prepare for pregnancy, targeting the root cause of your menstrual health problems is vital in reducing the burden that you will inevitably have to experience every cycle. Optimal practices to nurture your mental health and care for your vagina can be learned here. Common Menstrual Health Issues Menstrual health disorders could begin as early as your first period and worsen into your adult life as you become preoccupied with stressors and challenges, further exacerbating symptoms. Every month, menstrual disorders reduce your ability to concentrate, disturb academic or work commitments, and affect daily activities. Despite such effects, only a few seek medical help while most women who menstruate choose to self-medicate, which could be dangerous and has even led to liver failure in people as young as highschool- and college-age. It is a concerning reality that menstrual problems are often perceived as normal and not seen as needing medical attention. Medical help is often only sought when symptoms become unbearable. This lack of attention may be related to some people still perceiving menstruation as a taboo that is not meant to be discussed publicly.₁
Allopathic Options The allopathic management of menstrual health disorders generally focuses on relieving symptoms, rather than targeting the root cause of the problem. This may be done through taking analgesics for discomfort and pain, hormonal pills to regulate estrogen and progesterone levels, or even major surgery to remove reproductive organs! Although very important in managing menstrual health problems, your go-to pain relievers only provide temporary relief. Hence, managing the underlying problem should be your first priority.. Another problem faced with these strategies is self-medication, which may cause problems to your long-term health when not properly monitored by your healthcare provider.
The Naturopathic Approach The naturopathic approach focuses on targeting the root causes of your menstrual health problems, ultimately aiming to restore a normal menstrual cycle, regulate hormones, improve quality of life, and establish lasting, whole-person health. This is done through identifying your personal triggers and how best to avoid them, regulating the connection between the processes that produce hormones in the body, reducing inflammation, and empowering your choices for your menstrual health.
Nutrition and Physical Activity
Nurturing your menstrual health begins with making conscious decisions about food and lifestyle. Eating meals packed with the right nutrients and avoiding food that triggers inflammation can help reduce pain. Learning to use skills like Intuitive Eating can help you learn to nourish your body (without counting calories) while reducing symptoms of menstrual disorders. Supplementing your diet with calcium and magnesium, when necessary, is also an effective approach to minimize your symptoms. Engaging in regular physical activities also helps you become more active and at the same time helps regulate your hormone levels. Generally, at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercises three to five times a week can help reduce your PMS symptoms, such as nausea, headache, abdominal cramps, bloating, and back pain!₂ Botanical Medicine
It is important to remember that the use of herbal remedies for your health should be properly screened, regulated, and monitored by your healthcare providers, as many of those used for menstrual and fertility problems are not safe during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Exploring the best herbal remedies for your health and preference is best done with the guidance of your naturopathic doctor. Don’t forget to update your naturopathic doctor about your health decisions and pregnancy/breastfeeding status! Nurturing Your Menstrual Health Your menstrual cycle is unique and different from other women, precisely why it is important to make conscious decisions for your health. Not to worry! Your naturopathic doctors are committed to guide you as you walk the path to wellness, working with you to find the best options for your menstrual health. Discover the naturopathic approach for your menstrual health today! REFERENCE: 1. Igbokwe And UC, John-Akinola YO. KNOWLEDGE OF MENSTRUAL DISORDERS AND HEALTH SEEKING BEHAVIOUR AMONG FEMALE UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS OF UNIVERSITY OF IBADAN, NIGERIA. Ann Ib Postgrad Med. 2021;19(1):40-48. 2. Ravichandran H, Janakiraman B. Effect of Aerobic Exercises in Improving Premenstrual Symptoms Among Healthy Women: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled Trials. Int J Womens Health. 2022;14:1105-1114. Published 2022 Aug 16. doi:10.2147/IJWH.S371193
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition triggered by chronic inflammation that can destroy your joints and bones! Since persistent damage may be irreversible, diagnosing and addressing the root cause of the inflammation is vital to identify holistic strategies for your optimal health before damage ensues. Aside from joint and bone destruction, rheumatoid arthritis may also affect the processes in your body that help you function optimally every day, leading you to experience weakness while causing damage to your lungs, heart, blood vessels, and even brain! Knowing your personal risks of developing rheumatoid arthritis and holistically managing flare-ups when you are diagnosed with the disease are vital steps to bear in mind to not only achieve remission, but also nurture your long-term well-being!
Understanding Rheumatoid Arthritis The exact reason behind what causes rheumatoid arthritis is actually unknown.₁ However, the condition is primarily driven by chronic inflammation which eventually damages and destroys your joints and bones. Simply put, patients with rheumatoid arthritis have autoantibodies that attack cells in the body instead of destroying a foreign invader! When not properly controlled, these antibodies may also attack your other tissues and organs, causing widespread damage! The tricky part is that the progression of the disease is gradual and fluctuating, with infrequent episodes of exacerbations that you may not notice until late in the disease, when joint damage has become irreversible and your daily activities have become affected.₁ This is precisely why we should take the first step to nurture our body’s natural ability to protect and heal itself! Knowing your risks of developing rheumatoid arthritis, as well as personal triggers that may exacerbate your condition if you were already diagnosed with the disease can already make a big difference on your long-term health! Of course, your health journey is best taken with your naturopathic doctors who are committed to guiding you in exploring natural and holistic options that not only relieve symptoms, but target the root cause of your health problems.
Signs and Symptoms
The most common complaint of patients with rheumatoid arthritis is stiffness of the joints in the morning lasting for more than an hour that eventually gets relieved with movement or physical activity. Early in the disease, antibodies most commonly attack small joints, like those in your hands and feet. As the disease progresses, you may notice more involvement in large joints, like your hips and shoulders. The type and number of affected joints may vary depending on your case, but are commonly symmetrical (which means that matching joints of the arms or legs are affected)!
Allopathic Management
Rheumatoid arthritis is conventionally managed following three approaches with lifelong medications to reduce symptoms and achieve remission.₂ These may include non-steroidal inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), corticosteroids, and disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs). NSAIDs, such as ibuprofen, are given to relieve pain and discomfort from inflammation, but are not effective in regulating the proteins that drive inflammation itself.₃ Although equipped with strong anti-inflammatory properties, corticosteroids (commonly known as steroids) are associated with adverse effects to your body that limits their long-term use.₃ Lastly, DMARDs, such as methotrexate, are medications that can potentially prevent joint damage and destruction, but they can be toxic and their efficacy can be diminished as the disease progresses!₃ Additionally, these medications can cause nausea, rashes, and abdominal pain, all of which can cause discomfort and affect adherence to regularly taking the drug.
The Naturopathic Approach
The goal of naturopathic care of rheumatoid arthritis is to achieve remission and prevent further damage to your joints and other tissues. To do this, we work to minimize the burden of chronic and uncontrolled inflammation to your body and remove toxic materials that have accumulated as by-products of your unregulated inflammatory response. These can be achieved through a holistic approach that targets nutrition, lifestyle changes, and herbal remedies thereby nurturing your joints and preventing further damage.
Patients with rheumatoid arthritis may have low zinc and high copper levels in the body, with undiagnosed food allergies or sensitivities. Testing and appropriate treatment for insufficient or excessive levels is an important part of addressing the root cause of your condition. Since disease flares have been associated with a variety of triggers from your environment (especially the food you eat), identifying your personal food triggers and following an elimination and reintroduction diet may prevent exacerbations. Additionally, increasing your Omega 3 intake can be beneficial in regulating inflammation (click here to learn more)! Since rheumatoid arthritis primarily affects your joints and bones, keeping your vitamin D3 levels in check through testing and appropriate supplementation or adequate intake of food rich in this nutrient is important to maintain healthy and strong bones! Herbal Medicine The wonders of herbal remedies for rheumatoid arthritis are not limited to symptomatic relief, as these special plants have healing properties that help nurture your body as it naturally heals itself. These may include:
And a whole lot more! It is important to remember that the use of most herbs is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Talking to your primary care provider is important prior to exploring natural options for your case. Assessing whether a specific herb is beneficial for your health and selecting the right herbal remedies for your health problems is best done with the guidance of your naturopathic doctors who are always committed to guide you through exploring holistic and natural solutions for your optimal well-being. The First Step The naturopathic approach to manage rheumatoid arthritis begins with your conscious decisions to take care of your health. Since rheumatoid arthritis can affect other organs in the body, holistic steps should be taken to make sure exacerbations are alleviated and long-term health is nurtured (no more joint pain!). At Natural Path to Wellness, your naturopathic doctors are committed to assist you in every step of your health journey. Are you excited to take the first step? REFERENCES: 1. Radu AF, Bungau SG. Management of Rheumatoid Arthritis: An Overview. Cells. 2021;10(11):2857. Published 2021 Oct 23. doi:10.3390/cells10112857 2. Chauhan K, Jandu JS, Brent LH, Al-Dhahir MA. Rheumatoid Arthritis. In: StatPearls. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; May 25, 2023. 3. Aletaha D, Kapral T, Smolen JS. Toxicity profiles of traditional disease modifying antirheumatic drugs for rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2003;62(5):482-486. doi:10.1136/ard.62.5.482 4. Razavi BM, Ghasemzadeh Rahbardar M, Hosseinzadeh H. A review of therapeutic potentials of turmeric (Curcuma longa) and its active constituent, curcumin, on inflammatory disorders, pain, and their related patents. Phytother Res. 2021;35(12):6489-6513. doi:10.1002/ptr.7224
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune condition where the cells and organs in your body are subjected to damage due to the presence of antibodies that destroy rather than protect you from harm. The disease can happen in all ages, but predominantly affect women who are of childbearing age. Generally, SLE affects women 9x more than men.₁ With the increasing burden of the disease, it is vital to address the root cause of the inflammation, rather than solely minimizing your symptoms.
Understanding SLE
The exact reason as to why SLE develops is still unknown. However, persistent exposure to personal triggers, especially when you are genetically predisposed to SLE, can stimulate your immune response and affect your chances of developing the condition.1 When cells are damaged from ongoing irritation or infections, they reveal certain markers called self-antigens. These markers help the immune system identify the cells as part of the body and protect them.₁ This mechanism contributes to your body’s wonderful abilities of keeping itself safe and maintaining balance despite changes in the environment. However, this process can completely take a different turn in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus as their immune system activates B and T cells, forming antibodies to fight against self-antigens. Destroying your self-antigens means destroying the shield that protects your cells from getting harmed by your immune system! When not managed, persistent destruction may lead to irreversible damage to your kidneys, blood vessels, skin, and lungs.₁ Signs and Symptoms The signs and symptoms of systemic lupus erythematosus are tricky in that they vary from person to person and typically mimic manifestations of other health problems, affecting the ability to promptly diagnose and manage the condition altogether. Hence, avoiding such delay is crucial to detect the condition before severe damage occurs, preventing further destruction to cells, nurturing well-being, and maintaining the patient’s quality of life. Since the manifestations of SLE are diverse, several criteria and diagnostic tests are used by your healthcare providers to rule out other autoimmune conditions. Generally, the signs and symptoms of SLE include:
Allopathic Options SLE is conventionally managed through immunosuppressive therapy, where drugs that depress the immune system are used to prevent it from responding and causing unregulated inflammation and destruction. These may include corticosteroids, anti-malarial, or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS).₃ Corticosteroids, which decrease the concentration of arachidonic acid (primary molecule converted into chemicals that maintain the immune response), are commonly used to suppress inflammation in SLE. Although helpful in suppressing symptoms, the use of corticosteroids may put you at risk of becoming dependent on the drug in the long run and increase your chances of developing brittle bones, acne, eye problems, diabetes mellitus, thinning of the skin, infection, and muscle weakness.₃ NSAIDs, on the other hand, may cause stomach irritation and bleeding, ultimately affecting your gut health, ability to absorb nutrients, and your ability to maintain homeostasis (internal balance).₃
The Naturopathic Approach Since SLE affects various tissues and organs in the body, the naturopathic approach focuses on not only addressing each health concern, but most importantly on targeting the root cause of inflammation and dysregulation of the immune system. These include avoiding your personal triggers, alleviating pain, improving digestive function, reducing stress and inflammation, and improving your abilities to cope up with stressors. Naturopathic medicine focuses on the whole person, including mental, emotional, and spiritual health. Botanical medicine that may be beneficial for when you have SLE include:
It is important to remember that exploring and using botanical medicine options to manage SLE should be under the expert guidance of your naturopathic doctor and in communication with your primary care provider and specialists. Communication with your entire health and wellness team helps to avoid dangerous drug interactions. Although there are great potential benefits for your health, the use of herbs should be monitored and regulated to avoid toxicity and ensure therapeutic levels of the medicine are present in your body. Improving Your Immune Health The immune system works wonders in keeping your body safe and healthy, but it can also be the reason why your body is constantly subjected to damage and harm. Knowing your health risks, personal triggers, and genetic susceptibility, are helpful in preventing the development of autoimmune conditions that will inevitably affect your well-being. Not to worry! Your naturopathic doctors are committed to guiding you as you make conscious and holistic decisions for your health. Talk to your naturopathic medicine advisors today! REFERENCES: 1. Justiz Vaillant AA, Goyal A, Varacallo M. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus. In: StatPearls. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; August 4, 2023. 2. Peng Y, Deng X, Yang SS, Nie W, Tang YD. Progress in Mechanism of Astragalus membranaceus and Its Chemical Constituents on Multiple Sclerosis. Chin J Integr Med. 2023;29(1):89-95. doi:10.1007/s11655-022-3535-6 3. Balkrishna A, Thakur P, Singh S, Chandra Dev SN, Varshney A. Mechanistic Paradigms of Natural Plant Metabolites as Remedial Candidates for Systemic Lupus Erythromatosus. Cells. 2020;9(4):1049. Published 2020 Apr 22. doi:10.3390/cells9041049
Whether you are sitting all day completing your tasks at your desk job or enjoying life after retiring from spending so much time working in your chosen profession, low back pain is a universal problem that we complain about every once in a while, especially as we grow older. Back pain is actually a very common cause why people visit the emergency department!₂ The reasons behind your back pain are vast, ranging from acute, insidious causes to fractures or unresolved trauma that affected the structures in your back. Identifying the root cause of your low back pain and discovering natural, holistic options that will address your problem allows you to experience back pain-free days and enjoy life as you grow older.
Understanding Back Pain
In general, pain is an uncomfortable experience that occurs as your body attempts to signal a warning of injury or respond to the problem. Low back pain, in particular, stems from a variety of causes. These may include degenerative problems that your body undergoes as you grow older, autoimmune conditions, spine infections, trauma such as in cases of falls or mechanical accidents, congenital diseases that affect the development of your spine, improper posture, and pain referred or radiated from other organs in the body. Generally, the structures in your lower back are extremely prone to stress from your environment or abnormal processes in your body and each of these can trigger low back pain.₁ Acute back pain typically lasts for less than 6 weeks, while chronic back pain can occur for more than 12 weeks.₂ The diagnosis of your low back pain problems are primarily driven by your personal history and work-up that are supplemented with a variety of imaging tests to detect the underlying condition. Knowing which activities trigger or minimize the pain should also be considered. Hence, taking the first step of becoming proactive about your health and talking to your healthcare provider about your low back pain are vital to achieve low back pain-free days!
Allopathic Care
Treatment for low back pain depends on the type and extent of pain, as well as its specific underlying cause. Pain relievers and muscle relaxants are generally prescribed to address the pain, in combination with physical therapy or psychological management strategies for specific patients.₁ In severe cases with complex causes, surgery may be indicated to manually fix or replace damaged structures. Although beneficial to some extent, management strategies for low back pain can be expensive and only target single causes of the discomfort. This is concerning since low back pain is complex, associated with multifactorial causes, and may be persistent when not appropriately addressed.₁
The Naturopathic & Alternative Medicine Approach
The naturopathic approach does not only address your back pain, but also improves your optimal well-being through targeting the root causes of your health problems. Rather than solely relying on medications that only temporarily suppress your pain, nurturing the intricacies of the processes within your body and the interconnectedness of your organs ultimately helps your body as it naturally heals itself. It is important to remember that your body is wonderfully made to protect and nurture itself. Supporting your body as it regains balance is the best reward your future self can receive for the years to come.
Herbal Medicine
Herbal medicine can be used to reduce inflammation, nourish and heal damaged tissue, and reduce pain. Natural ingredients such as curcumin, bromelain, and quercetin have anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties that will help you say goodbye to your back discomforts! As a natural aspirin, white willow bark can also be beneficial in relieving pain. However, since it has similar effects to aspirin, you may also experience gastric irritation similar to when you use aspirin. Not to worry! Your naturopathic medicine advisors will guide you in exploring the benefits of herbal remedies for your health, making sure that you are able to use the right herbal medication and receive its optimal benefits, while monitoring therapeutic levels to keep your health on track!
Massage has been used for centuries to relieve acute and chronic health problems, such as joint and muscle pain, backache, and osteoarthritis.₃ The procedure promotes clearance of lactate which is increasingly produced in your body when it becomes subjected to increased stress and damage, thereby reducing its toxic buildup and effects.₃ Additionally, massage nurtures your immune response and cognitive function, as well as exerts beneficial effects in reducing anxiety and mental health problems.₃ Rehabilitative Exercises Complex cases of low back pain due to trauma, developmental problems, or those requiring targeted interventions are recommended to not only alleviate pain, but also nurture optimal well-being. These may include stretching, muscle strengthening, and proprioceptive training, under the guidance of your naturopathic doctors who are expert in mind and body reconditioning. Hydrotherapy Hydrotherapy is wonderful in stimulating and regulating essential processes in the body, such as your digestion, immune response, and blood circulation.₃ By achieving and nurturing the balance of the processes that keep your body going, stress is reduced, pain is relieved, and your body becomes rejuvenated.₃ With different kinds of hydrotherapy that target specific health concerns, it is important to identify which one is best for you! Talking with your naturopathic doctor will help you in exploring the best procedure type and duration for you.
Yoga (Ayurveda) Yoga is a non-invasive and effective routine to address your low back pain. Since it targets both the mind and body, yoga enhances your body’s flexibility, endurance, and allows your mind to actively control your body.3 The benefits of yoga do not stop there! Yoga also promotes your body’s capabilities to regulate processes and functions, as well as promote healthy thoughts and behavior. Acupuncture (Traditional Chinese Medicine) A powerful tool in promoting pain relief, this procedure addresses the blockage or excessive flow of qi throughout the body, relieving muscle spasms and promoting joint mobility and function. The wonders of acupuncture stems from the belief that wellness is interconnected: rather than being an isolated symptom, pain arises from blockage or excess in elements (wood, fire water, earth, metal) that disrupts your body’s vital energy.₄
The First Step
At Natural Path to Wellness, we are committed to guiding you in making conscious and proactive decisions for your health. The journey to optimal health may be long and difficult, but your courage in taking the first step to achieve your health goals is already inspiring. After all, your body’s #1 support system is you! To learn more about the benefits of naturopathic care for your optimal health and wellness, talk to your naturopathic doctors today! REFERENCES:
You may have heard of “seed cycling” once or twice in your life, especially when you have problems with your menstrual cycle! Seed cycling (seed rotation diet) is an effective practice that can help regulate your hormone levels by eating specific seeds that contain beneficial properties during each phase of your menstrual cycle.
The Power of Hormone Balance
The primary hormones that drive menstrual cycles are estrogen, progesterone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH), each of which play major roles in preparing your body physically and mentally for possible pregnancy or restarting your cycle once fertilization did not occur. As the level of these hormones fluctuate to signal another phase in your menstrual cycle, a simple disruption can inevitably lead to menstrual health problems, such as irregular periods, menstrual cramps, fatigue, pain, heavy bleeding, and acne (which we definitely do not want)! Hence, regulating your hormone levels is a top priority to prevent your body from having to experience pain and discomfort every month!
How Seed Cycling Works
Seed cycling follows a systematic approach of eating special seeds such as pumpkin, flax, sunflower, and sesame, at specific days throughout the month to help balance the hormones which regulate your menstrual cycle. During the follicular phase, pumpkin seeds are taken to balance out the increasing level of estrogen that primarily drives this phase, preventing excess production of estrogen that can trigger a wide array of menstrual problems. Pumpkin seeds are specifically rich in phytoestrogens, which are natural compounds that mimic the estrogen produced in your body!₁ These phytoestrogens can bind with estrogen receptors made for endogenous estrogens (produced by the body), thereby potentially regulating the processes driven by this hormone!! Flax seeds, on the other hand, contain lignans, which act as a quality control officer and effectively regulate your hormone levels by binding to excess estrogen1 to prevent estrogen dominance. As you enter the second phase of your menstrual cycle (luteal phase), eating sesame seeds and sunflower seeds can help boost and regulate progesterone, which is the hormone that is most essential during this phase of your cycle. Sesame seeds are beneficial as they are not only rich in zinc which boosts progesterone levels, but also lignans, which are effective in blocking off excessive amounts of estrogen to pave way for progesterone to play its part during the luteal phase.₁ Sunflower seeds, on the other hand, are rich in vitamin E and selenium, which help boost progesterone production and detoxify excess estrogen from your liver, respectively.₁
A note on preparation
The medicinal components of these seeds are fragile, especially flax. We recommend that you buy raw, organic seeds from your local bulk food or health food store that has frequent turnover to ensure freshness. Store the seeds in your fridge or freezer and grind them fresh daily (or up to weekly), storing the ground seeds in your freezer to protect the fragile oils.
How to use seed cycling
Typical use is 1 Tablespoon of each seed indicated for the current phase of your cycle. These can be sprinkled on your food, like a power bowl or salad, blended in a smoothie, as a topping for yogurt or overnight oats, or eaten by the spoonful. One of our favorite methods is to add them to fat bombs or homemade chocolates for a sweet and satisfying treat!
Don’t have a regular cycle? Many like to sync their cycle with the phases of the moon, starting the flax & pumpkin seeds with the new moon and switching to sunflower & sesame seeds with the full moon. Most notice their cycles begin to regulate and sync after about 3-4 months of consistent use.
Here is a simple guide to help you start your seed cycling journey:
Naturopathic Reminders
Rather than forcefully introducing hormones into the body with medications or injectables, seed cycling takes a more holistic and fundamental approach by helping your body naturally produce and regulate your very own hormones! Simply put, seed cycling is considered a safe and non-invasive practice to regulate your hormone levels without putting yourself at risk of having side effects associated with synthetic products and medications containing estrogen or progesterone. However, the power of seed cycling comes from seeds that you may be allergic to! Additionally, the beneficial effects of seed cycling can only be achieved if you are consistent and willing to eat these special seeds every day, which may not be for everyone’s preference and lifestyle. Hence, it is vital to first talk with your naturopathic doctors before starting and continuing your seed cycling journey. At Natural Path to Wellness, we are committed to guiding you in your journey towards optimal health by working with you to create customized wellness plans that fit your goals and lifestyle. Talk to your naturopathic medicine advisors today! REFERENCES:
The common cold is like a bird that is flitting in the sky, eventually flying away as your immune system gets into action and clears the clouds. Although total relief can be achieved in a matter of days, the common cold may cause a wide array of symptoms that can affect your overall health and well-being. Medications for the common cold focus on treating your symptoms, allowing you to get through the day without coughing and wiping your nose all the time. Although beneficial, these may put you at risk of having side effects that can trigger entirely different symptoms and affect your long-term health. Rather than solely relying on allopathic treatments for the common cold, exploring naturopathic approaches for your condition will not only help relieve your symptoms, but, most importantly, nurture your body’s natural ability to protect and heal itself.
Understanding the Common Cold
Generally, the common cold is caused by viruses that can trigger inflammation to the lining that protects your throat and nose.₁ Symptoms caused by the common cold may be mild and include a stuffy nose, cough, sneezes (which can be uncomfortable in social settings), and sore throat. The common cold may also trigger headaches, fever, joint and muscle pains, and fatigue, all of which can affect your productivity (and willingness to go to work). The good news is that these symptoms are self-limited, which means that they typically resolve on their own. However, having the common cold won’t protect you from getting infected with another common colds in the future, as the strains of the viruses that cause the condition are over 100 in number, which means your immune system has to adapt every time.₁ To help your body prevent the common cold, we have the perfect blog post for you!
The Power of Naturopathy
The naturopathic approach for the common cold focuses on nurturing your body’s natural ability to protect and heal itself through supplemental vitamins and minerals that regulate the processes within your body, herbal medications that target the virus and your holistic health, and home remedies to support your immune system that you can easily make in your kitchen! Natural Supplements
Botanical Medicine
Managing your symptoms through conventional medications are typically not needed, since these are only helpful in minimizing your symptoms without guarantee that you will not experience unwanted side effects. More importantly, antibiotics are not and should not be used for treating the common cold, since these target bacteria whereas colds are caused by viruses! Instead, natural remedies that will not only help relieve your symptoms, but also help nurture your overall health, are your best options for your long-term well-being!
And the list goes on! Exploring herbal medications for your health can be overwhelming, but with the guidance and expertise of your naturopathic doctor, you are guided to the right medication, preparation, dosage, and timing for your fast recovery and optimal well-being!
Home Remedies
Aside from the wonders of botanical medicine for your health, strengthening your immune system can be as simple as making fresh pressed juices with vegetables, eating produce rich in vitamin C, and incorporating ginger, turmeric, and lemon in your meals and juices. Additionally, you could make your very own elderberry syrup! Here’s our version of this wonderful concoction: What You’ll Need:
Key Takeaways
Kids are no exception for the common cold and may have more exposure to the virus that can cause the condition as they play and go to school. Making a kid-safe herbal tea with fruit puree and turning them into popsicles can help soothe a sore throat. By simply mixing your favorite tea with fresh fruit juices (carrots, oranges, fresh turmeric, pineapples, or lemons) and popping them off into the freezer in your coolest popsicle mold, your child (and you!) will be able to enjoy a healthy and immune-boosting treat! Make sure to press out the extra water from the tea bags since that will be very concentrated and beneficial. Bonus point! You can actually make your very own Elderberry Popsicles for Sore Throats.
The First Step
Managing the common cold is simple and with the right expertise, your short-term symptoms are relieved and long-term health is nurtured. Since the common cold is a condition that eventually comes and goes, you should help your body prepare as it strikes again! At Natural Path to Wellness, we are committed to guide you as you make conscious decisions for health. Excited to take the first step? Talk to your naturopathic medicine advisors today! REFERENCES: 1. InformedHealth.org [Internet]. Cologne, Germany: Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care (IQWiG); 2006-. Overview: Common colds. [Updated 2023 Dec 11]. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK279543/ 2. Mammari N, Albert Q, Devocelle M, et al. Natural Products for the Prevention and Treatment of Common Cold and Viral Respiratory Infections. Pharmaceuticals (Basel). 2023;16(5):662. Published 2023 Apr 28. doi:10.3390/ph16050662 |
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December 2024