Nearly everyone experiences daily stress to some degree. In fact, our bodies are equipped to counteract acute stress, but what happens as our bodies respond to continual stress over long periods of time?
And how do we cope? Physiological Response to Stress
The body’s response to stress, also called general adaptation syndrome, includes 3 stages: alarm, resistance, and exhaustion.1
Chronic stress can alter the way our genes are expressed and suppress the immune system. Many of the hormones released in the stress response limit the capacity of the immune system by reducing the function of white blood cells whose job is to fight off infections in the body. Inflammation is further accumulated in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract due to stress. Researchers have discovered a strong connection between chronic stress and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), for instance. In the cardiovascular system, stress increases heart rate and blood pressure, as well as the risk of clotting leading to an increased risk of heart attack and stroke.1 Over time, stress can also decrease sexual libido and sperm maturation, as well as irregularities in the female menstrual cycle.1
Managing Stress
We mentioned one of the major responses to stressors is to ‘freeze,’ which is not a weakness. It’s just another way that our bodies are wired to protect us. Notice when your body needs a break and take some time to recharge in order to prevent the build up of chronic stress. Learning to manage your stress response takes practice, but it’s important to integrate what works for you into your daily rhythms. Non-pharmacological therapies for stress reduction include regular exercise, healthy diet, and changes in lifestyle.2 Think about how some of the following ideas for stress management might fit into your lifestyle.
AuthorDaelyn Quinn is a graduate of the University of South Florida, Class of 2024. She studied Cell and Molecular Biology, as well as Spanish, and has been accepted into a nationally accredited Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine program. Outside of academic and professional pursuits, she enjoys exploring cities with friends and family, running outdoors, and reading next to one of Florida’s many bodies of water.
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December 2024